Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And This Is How It Began!

 And This Is How It Began!

Schaffer Kids (2007)
Schaffer Kids (2007)
Schaffer Clan (2007)

As many of you know, I have an addiction and passion for technology.  During the last four years, the more I research for my students, in order to teach them the newest concepts and the ever changing world of software and technology, I find myself more passionate about my job and the things I do.One of these passions in the past few years is my love for Graphic Design and Photography.  I started out by taking my own family pictures, and then it was a couple senior pictures here and there for Yearbook, and then it was more Senior pictures but more elaborate, and then it was my sisters wedding and so forth.  Upon popular demand for my services and the purchase of expensive gadgets.....I am now in pursue of a new chapter to my life.....

Welcome to Ms. Erin's Photography & Designs

As I take you throughout this blog, I will share with you highlights of photography tips and tricks that I am learning, the new studio my amazing husband is building for me, and examples of my work.  Stop back often and share special moments with me, to receive special discounts as I begin this journey.

Many Smiles,

Ms Erin 

Schaffer Clan (Fall 2007)


  1. Erin, you were always a beautiful girl and have turned into a beautiful lady. It seems reasonable to me that you are capable of capturing the beauty around you and sharing it with the world around you! <3

  2. Mrs. Brown, thank you so much for the kind words, I greatly appreciate it. I have had some wonderful teachers, great support, and have been very blessed by God for the talents and blessings he has given me. I'm very excited to share them now.
